Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Tips on Making the Most of your Flight

Air travel today is not the glamorous experience it once was. With a little patience and a sense of humor though, it doesn't have to be all bad.

Here are some tips that could help your next flight go a little smoother:

Always arrive early. Seems like common sense, but it's often undervalued. Having plenty of time will help reduce stress & increase levels of tolerance.

Dress and pack with security in mind. Make sure you know what current security procedures and restrictions are, and also the airline policies on carry-on baggage before you go.

Stay calm with the Gate Agent. We all know it's not the gate agents fault if a flight is delayed or cancelled, and getting angry with this person is not going to help anything. Remember, this is the one person who could possibly pull some strings.

Create your own pleasant environment. Bring headphones to listen to music or a movie, or earplugs for blocking out noise and eye shades for napping.

Who gets the middle seat armrests anyway? The armrests in the middle are shared property. It's courteous for the window and aisle passengers to let the person in the middle seat have them, though.

Children on board. Air travel is trying for most adults, and even tougher for kids. Anticipate that there will be a crying baby on board, and bring earplugs or headphones. If a child is kicking the back of your seat, it's okay to kindly ask the parent to ask them to stop.

In-flight food. Since most airlines have cut out in flight meals, it's a good idea to bring food. Avoid foods with strong odors, such as fish or egg salad. Also, with the prevalence of nut allergies, it's a good idea not to bring nuts at all.
For assistance booking your next flight, contact a Professional Travel Agent today.

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