Thursday, August 30, 2012

FAA Looking into Use of Electronics on Planes

The FAA announced earlier this week that it will start a process to study the use of electronic devices on planes, but it will take until at least March before it makes a recommendation and probably even longer before giving permission to use them.

Last March the FAA said it could loosen the rules for using such devices at iPhones and iPads during flight. Pilots already use iPads in the cockpits but passengers have to turn their electronic devices off when the plane is below 10,000 feet because of worries that signals emitted by the devices might interfere with electronics in the cockpit. Airlines can only allow devices that have been tested and proven not to interfere with the plane's electronics.There are thousands of these devices on the market and new ones coming out each day so airlines simply ban them all during takeoff and landing.

The FAA will form a committee made up of mobile technology companies, airplane makers, pilots and flight attendants, airlines, and passenger associations. The FAA will also ask for public input during this process. The FAA also said that allowing cellphone use during flights isn't under consideration.

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